Following an attack on a student at Glamorgan University, South Wales Police have issued the following advice:
• Always ensure your doors and windows are locked when you leave.
• If you are returning home late at night, it’s always best to walk in a group or take a taxi.
• If you go out together, come home together.
• If you think you’re being followed, cross the road to see if they follow. If you are still worried, go to the nearest public place and call the police.
• Do not let anybody into your building/house (if they haven't got a key direct them to reception/security)
• If you are suspicious of any person/activity inform the Manager or Security of your halls of residence straight away.
Further advice from
If you are living in private rented accommodation and have security concerns contact the police, your university also runs its own security service contact details for the local police and security can be found here:
In an emergency contact 999
Remember many types of front/rear doors do not lock automatically when pulled shut. Even if you are at home make it a habit to lock the door.
Personal security attack alarms can be obtained via your student unions, support services and advice centres.
Book taxis in advance from a listed company, try not to travel or walk home alone